Why is date picking slow

I have a table with approximately 1.5 million rows where date_run is indexed without a cluster. Request # 1 takes 0 seconds and Request # 2 takes 3 seconds. Can someone explain why query # 2 is slower. I've also included execution plans for both. Sql Server 2014.

request # 1

select  avg14gain
from stocktrack
date_run >=  '2013-3-21'
and date_run <  '2013-3-22'


Valid XHTML http://biginkz.com/Pics/DateHardCoded.jpg .

request # 2

declare @today date
declare @yesterday date
set @today='2013-3-22'
set @yesterday='2013-3-21'
select avg14gain
from stocktrack
date_run  >=   @yesterday
and b.date_run <@today


Valid XHTML http://biginkz.com/Pics/DataAsigned.jpg .


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2 answers

I'm not sure why your query is not picking up the index, but you can use an index hint .

Try something like this:

declare @today date
declare @yesterday date
set @today='2013-3-22'
set @yesterday='2013-3-21'
select avg14gain
from stocktrack
date_run  >=   @yesterday
and b.date_run <@today
with (index([stocktrack].[ix_drun])) 


also you can try what is suggested in this post: TSQL does not use indexes . See @Justin Dearing's answer (rebuild index / update statistics).



Create an index on date_run, with avg14gain as the INCLUDE column of that index. Thus, the entire query can be satisfied from one index, and the optimizer will see this.



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