How to query first and last name in Entity Framework?

I want to have a pretty smart search box for finding objects by person's name. On linq it will look something like this:

users = users.Where(m => m.FirstName.Contains(query) || m.LastName.Contains(query) || (m.FirstName + " " + m.LastName).Contains(query) || (m.LastName + " " + m.FirstName).Contains(query) || (m.LastName + ", " + m.FirstName).Contains(query));


But it looks like it might be a bad way to do things, and I'm really not sure how the performance degrades with Linq. Is this type of instruction accurate or is there a way to improve this?


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1 answer

EF is just going to convert the LINQ query to SQL and execute the SQL statement against the database. Your query above will translate into a where clause with OR. Each is contains()

converted like

to SQL. So you end up with something like:

select *
from users
where FirstName like '%query%'
or LastName like '%query%'


As long as this final query works fine, you should be fine.

If it doesn't work well, you might want to look at adding an index, or maybe full text search.



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