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Angular translate with html and ngHref

I have this key / value in Json file for use in angular-translate:

{"MEETING_LINK": "<br/>Maybe you want to see the <a class=\"pink-link\" ng-href=\"/{{meetingLink}}/{{meetingId}}\">full meeting<a/> first?"}


When I call the translation in my html like this:

    ng-bind-html="'GLOBAL.REMOVE_MODAL.MEETING_LINK' | translate:
    { meetingLink: meetingData.buttonLink, meetingId:}">


This does not work. But if I replace ng-href in the anchor: href="/{{meetingData.buttonLink}}/{{}}

It works. Also, I want to add ng-click to the anchor element, I think angular directives in html are not working.

Can I do a trick to make this happen?


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