Directives as class in bootstrap ui modal not compiling

I'm trying to pass a directive as a class in the windowClass field, but it doesn't seem to compile and so the directive isn't being called.


      templateUrl: 'modal.html',
      scope: scope,
      controller: 'myCtrl as controller',
      backdrop: false,
      windowClass: 'directive'
.result.then(function (data) {
     // something



.directive('directive', function() {
    return {
        link: function(scope, element, attr) {
            var modal = element;
            console.log("directive called");
            // real code goes there


With this configuration, the directive will never be called.

I am using a workaround for now, but I am not satisfied with this:


.directive('directive', function() {
    return {
        link: function(scope, element, attr) {
            var modal = element.parent().parent().parent();
            console.log("directive called");
            // real code goes there



<div directive>
     <!-- something -->


I found the same question here , but it has no answer other than my workaround, so I rewrite it with the appropriate tag: angular-ui-bootstrap as pointed out in the github repo , hoping for a better answer.

I use:

  • angular v1.3
  • angular-ui / bootstrap v0.13.0 (latest version)

source to share

1 answer

UPDATE : See comment below.

We are not currently recompiling the item. Most likely we are calling $element.addClass

and passing a user-specified value windowClass


However, we think there may be a precedent for this, and you would like you to please introduce a new issue here if you don’t think.

Please link this SO post to a new issue. Thank.

