> extends CCC{} ...">

"java wildcard" in C #?

How do I convert "java wildcards" to C # format?

public abstract class AAA<T extends BBB<?>> extends CCC<T>{} 


My wrong C # code

public abstract class AAA<T> : CCC<T> where T : BBB<?>{}


How to convert BBB<?>


source to share

2 answers

There is a similar C # generic question "where is the constraint" with "any generic type" definition? does not apply to Java templates. The answer provided there will most likely help you.

From this answer, a possible class signature would be:

public abstract class AAA<T, TOther> : CCC<T>
    where T : BBB<TOther>


Generics in C # must have named type parameters, even if you never plan on using that type explicitly / implicitly. And all type parameters must be named in the method / class / interface identifier declaration.

Note that it would be possible to restrict TOther to objects only if desired, using:

public abstract class AAA<T, TOther> : CCC<T>
    where T : BBB<TOther>
    where TOther : object




What is BBB


I'm sure it BBB<Object>

will probably work; BBB

is probably a covariant type.



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