YII2 Kartik gridview disable pdf export

How to disable pdf export property in gridview in kartik?

I installed gridview kartik and it gave me the following error.

Class '\ kartik \ mpdf \ Pdf' not found and required for PDF export. To enable PDF export, follow the installation steps below. If you don't need PDF export functionality, do not include "PDF" as a format in the "export" property. Otherwise, you can set 'export' to false to disable all export functions.

Make sure you have installed the 'yii2-mpdf' extension. to install, you can run this console command from your application root:

php composer.phar requires kartik-v / yii2-mpdf: "@dev"

I don't want to install mpdf. I just want to turn it off. Where can I edit it?


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2 answers

You have to set the property export

to false

, it is even mentioned in the error text.

use kartik\grid\GridView;


<?= GridView::widget([
    'export' => false,
]) ?>


More details in the official docs .


Another way to do this is to exclude PDF from exportConfig


<?= GridView::widget([
    'exportConfig' => [
        GridView::CSV => [
        ... // Make sure there is no GridView::PDF
]) ?>




If you are using both kartik\export\ExportMenu

, kartik\export\GridView

you must set the property exportConfig

for "PDF" false

to ExportMenu

and export

for the property false

in the GridView.

See below:

use kartik\grid\ExportMenu;    
use kartik\grid\GridView;

<?= ExportMenu::widget([
    'exportConfig' => [
        ExportMenu::FORMAT_PDF => false,
]) ?>

<?= GridView::widget([
    'export' => false,
]) ?>




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