Exported (uploaded) apk to Play Store player

I published the app on the play store yesterday. Now the app works live, but when I tried to install the app from the Play store it didn't even show the splash screen. It just shows, unfortunately, stopped Error..apk from the project is working fine.

How to fix it?

I used the following as a link to download apk to play store



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3 answers

You need to check the apk file you downloaded to play the store.Do install the same and check the crashlog. I'm sure the problem will be with the apk, so you need to download a new one.

Clean project and export signed apk.

And also to check the crash log for remote devices, you need to add a library like ACRA to check the SO post here
How to get crash data from my android app?



Clean up your code and post the signed apk again, this happened to me twice.

Removing warnings would be a plus, clean the project, make a signed app, and run this apk on your phone for testing before deploying.



When you sign an apk multiple times, if it is not signed properly, the links are incompatible and an exception will be thrown for custom views. So clean your project every time and export apk directly without running code. After exporting the test apk on your device before uploading to play store to check the weather if it is working correctly or not.



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