Where I am placing WHERE clause in PIVOT with date transaction

amount_usd  paytype SendItemDateTime1
5.00    google  2015-04-01
2.00    google  2015-04-01
5.00    transfer    2015-04-01
15.00   google  2015-04-01
5.00    google  2015-04-01
2.00    google  2015-04-02
60.00   google  2015-04-02
60.00   google  2015-04-02
5.00    google  2015-04-03


Above is my demo database with amount_usd, paytype and SendItemDateTime1 columns. when i use pivok with below request it gives below output which SendItemDateTime1 is not a group ... what is the problem?

 select amount_usd, paytype, SendItemDateTime1 from tblMobile_RequestOrderLog
  where status = 1 and sendstatus = 1 and enable = 1
  and SendItemDateTime1  between '4/1/2015' and '4/30/2015'
  order by SendItemDateTime1 


Below is the result of the query above.

SenditemDateTime1   google  mol molpay  molstore    paypal  transfer
2015-04-01  15.00   NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL
2015-04-01  5.00    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL
2015-04-01  15.00   NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL
2015-04-01  5.00    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL
2015-04-01  60.00   NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL
2015-04-01  10.00   NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL


And below I want ...

SendItemDate    google  mol molpay  molstore    paypal  transfer
2015-04-01      32      0   0       0          0    5
2015-04-02      122     0   0       0          0    0
2015-04-03      5       0   0       0          0    0


sorry, first time posed the question here ...


This work for me with the "Where" clause:

SELECT SendItemDateTime1, COALESCE([google], 0), COALESCE([transfer], 0),
       COALESCE([paypal], 0),COALESCE([molpay], 0)
FROM (Select SendItemDateTime1, paytype, amount_usd 
      from tblMobile_RequestOrderLog
      where gameidn = 248 and status = 1 and sendstatus = 1 and enable = 1 
            and SendItemDateTime1 between '4/1/2015 12:00:00 AM'
                                      and '4/30/2015 11:59:59'
) X 
  for [paytype] IN ([google],[transfer],[paypal],[molpay])
) piv;



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1 answer

You can roll up the data in your first table with the following query - you just need to explicitly specify all the columns of the payment type. I assumed it is SUM()

used as aggregation:

SELECT SendItemDateTime1, [google],[transfer],[paypal],[molpay]
FROM MyTable
 for [paytype] IN ([google],[transfer],[paypal],[molpay])
) piv;


SqlFiddle here

Edit, Re where can I filter

If the filter predicate can be applied to finite columns, then WHERE

it can be applied after the PIVOT. Otherwise, if filtering needs to be done on unsecured columns, you can use a CTE or a view as you did. Here's an example of a prefilter in CTE and postfilter WHERE:

-- Prefilter of non-pivot columns done in CTE or Derived table
  SELECT [amount_usd], [paytype], [SendItemDateTime1]
  FROM MyTable
  WHERE [amount_usd] > 2
SELECT SendItemDateTime1, COALESCE([google], 0), COALESCE([transfer], 0),
       COALESCE([paypal], 0),COALESCE([molpay], 0)
FROM cte
 for [paytype] IN ([google],[transfer],[paypal],[molpay])
) piv
-- Post filter of pivot columns done on the final projection
WHERE SendItemDateTime1 > '2015-01-01';


Updated Fiddle



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