Why doesn't this general method match?

I have a class Address


public class Address
    //Some stuff


and there is a corresponding class *Wrapper

to enforce certain rules on how to use the class Address


public class AddressWrapper : IWrapped<Address>
    private Address _wrapped;

    public Address GetWrapped()
        return _wrapped;

    //And some more


where is IWrapped

defined as:

public interface IWrapped<T>
    T GetWrapped();


I have the following generic class for storing these objects (there are other objects that follow this pattern Entity

and EntityWrapper


public class GenericRepository
    private GenericRepository() { }

    public static void Add<T>(IWrapped<T> entity)
        //Do something

    public static void AddList<T>(IList<IWrapped<T>> entities)
        //Do something


and I have this test code:

public void UseGenericRepository()
    AddressWrapper addrW = new AddressWrapper();
    addrW.AddrLine1 = "x";
    addrW.AddrLine2 = "y";
    addrW.AddrLine3 = "z";
    addrW.City = "Starling City";
    //This works as expected

    IList<AddressWrapper> addrList = new List<AddressWrapper>();
    //Fill up the addrList

    //This gives error: best overloaded method match has some invalid



has a type IWrapped<Address>

(i.e. implements it) and Address

is a type parameter provided to the method AddList

, so the types must match. I know this is due to my limited knowledge of C # generics (familiar with Java generics) but can't figure out what's wrong here --- it should work.

It probably doesn't make any difference, but here's my config:

  • NHibernate 4.x
  • .NET Framework (4.5)

source to share

4 answers

NB: Please see the answer from @StefanSteinegger, this is especially interesting.

What worked for me was changing the way I was defining addrList


IList<AddressWrapper> addrList = new List<AddressWrapper>();



IList<IWrapped<Address>> addrList = new List<IWrapped<Address>>();


However, I also change the method signature GenericRepository.AddList<T>(..)

to use IEnumerable

, as this also indicates that the input file is read-only. So:

public static void AddList<T>(IEnumerable<IWrapped<T>> entities)
    //Do some stuff




This is due to the lack of type variance IList<T>

. (is IList<int>

not IList<object>


Use IEnumerable<T>

because it is covariant:

public static void AddList<T>(IEnumerable<IWrapped<T>> entities)
    //Do something


Cause. If you get an instance List<AddressWrapper>

, the compiler doesn't know if any possible implementation is compatible IList<IWrapped<T>>

. Let's assume another class that implements IWrapped<T>

. It will not be compatible when written to the List. Even if you don't write the list in AddList

, the compiler only accepts compatible types. IEnumerable<T>

cannot be written, so it might be an option.

Unrelated to the question, I suggest using covariance for your own interface as well:

public interface IWrapped<out T>


make it IWrapped<Thing>

compatible with IWrapped<SpecificThing>


MSDN: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee207183.aspx



To make it clear with an example. Would you like to expect if we had two types IWrapped<T>


public class AddressWrapper : IWrapped<Address>
    private Address _wrapped;

    public Address GetWrapped()
        return _wrapped;

    //And some more

public class OtherWrapper : IWrapped<MailBox>
    public MailBox GetWrapped()
        throw new MailBox();


And we tried to add them to the third list inside AddList<T>


public static void AddList<T>(IList<IWrapped<T>> entities)
   internalList = new List<IWrapped<T>>(); 
   list.AddRange(entities); // BOOM.


The type system prevents you from making mistakes. List<T>

is not covariant for this very reason.



The moment you try to call AddList()

, for all compilers, this method can add objects of any type that implements IWrapper<Address>

(i.e. types that are not AddressWrapper

) to the list.

This would be bad, because the list you are trying to pass to the method doesn't want to contain anything other than AddressWrapper




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