ASP.NET MVC View not rendering with layout after form post using angular

I am routing views using ngRoute and have no specific issues showing most views. The only problem I am facing is when I do a post method and pass the list to the view.

The site / page displays a view without layout. Typing in the address bar http: // localhost: 7351 / Page works and provides the layout, but obviously no view. If I submit the form to http: // localhost: 7351 / Main , the browser url changes to http: // localhost: 7351 / Site / Page and displays the results without any layout.

Form in sight Home

<form method="post" action="Site/Page">
   <input id="chk_main" type="checkbox" />
   <input type=submit>



    name: "Page",
    url: "Site/Page",
    defaults: new { controller = "Site", action = "Page" }


EDIT: If I change "url: Site / Page" to "url: Page" then Layout will show, but then View won't.


public ActionResult Index()
    return View();
public ActionResult Main()
    return View(persons);
public ActionResult Page()
    return View();


Angular Route Provider:

    when('/Main', {
        templateUrl: 'Site/Main'
    .when('/contact', {
        templateUrl: 'Site/Contact'
    .when('/Page', {
        templateUrl: 'Site/Page'


Is there something I don't see or understand.


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