How do I get the memory and CPU usage of the application to apply the mantle?

I want to ask, after I have run the appoop mapreduce application, how can I get the total memory and cpu usage of this application. I saw it on the log and resource manager web page but I didn't get it.

Is it possible? Can I get it to do a job or per app, and can I get it for node usage or general usage?

Many thanks....


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1 answer

Yes, you can check the total memory and cpu usage of the application very well.

You can use the Job Tracking UI, click the link on the counters on the completed page, and get a typical view like this. The memory and processor counters have been allocated.

enter image description here

Clicking on the highlighted links will show you the Map / Reduce consumption of the job.

To view these values ​​of these consumption counters from the command line, you can use

hadoop job -counter <job-id> org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskCounter CPU_MILLISECONDS

for cpu use

hadoop job -counter <job-id> org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskCounter PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES

for memory use



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