How to postpone fragment before fragment transition, like activity transition (postponeEnterTransition

How to delay transition to Fragment in Android Lollipop?

I'm having trouble transitioning a fragment. (shared element transition, etc.) I want to make the transition of a fragment with screen orientation well done as well.

After many unpleasant days, I finally found out the below comments in the above link But I don't get it.

If you don't delete chunk1, but hide it, it will make your life easier. If not, an extra step is needed, but it works the same way.

  • a) add 2, hide 2
  • b) show 2, hide, add to back stack 1
  • c) show 1, remove1, add to back stack. Then you find that you came to (c) a second time, you wait for 1 to be ready and then pop the back stack programmatically.

I don't understand the above scenario. Please kindly explain this step by step. Hope for your answer.

Thanks in advance.


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