Can SPSS handle a set of Nominal Variables as a single variable?

I have a lot of movie data from IMDB and I'm in the middle of cleaning up the data and doing it so that 1 row = 1 movie as the database often has multiple records for one movie.

I restructured the data so that if there was one "Country" variable with multiple cases for one movie, there is now a set of 29 country columns. One movie can have up to 29 countries associated with it (most have only 1 or 2).

I plan on doing some simple descriptive statistics and expected frequencies, perhaps looking for correlations with other variables like genre, etc.

Is it possible that SPSS is treating all 29 variables as one variable? It does not matter which of the country variables is present in the country, only that it is present in one of them. For example, I could search all Indian movies and ask SPSS to check each line, regardless of whether "India" is in any of the country variables, and returns the line if it is in any of them.

Is this possible, or do I just need to manually instruct SPSS with a list of OR commands whenever I run a query.


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1 answer

There are two types of multiple answer sets: multiple dichotomy, which will be 29 yes / no variables, as you described, and multiple categories, in which you have a list of arbitrary categories. See the MRSETS command for details.

Once defined, CTABLES can perform all their statistical calculations, and these sets can also be used in graphic files built in Chart Builder or GGRAPH commands.

Do not confuse the sets created by MRSETS with the older MULTIPLE RESPONSE procedure, which is still available. MRSETS definitions are saved with data and are only used with CTABLES and GGRAPH.

With ANY function, as Andy said above, you will use separate variables, but you can use TO. So, for example, you could write

COMPUTE FILM7 = ANY (7, f1 to f29)

if you have MC variables. If you are using an MD structure, you will need to check, say, the f7 variable in this example.



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