PHP explodes then double loop

I'm trying to split the string to stay under the 70 character limit ... however, when I do this, my loop just stops when it receives the first 70 characters and it doesn't try to execute the 2nd set. The reason I go this route and not use str_split

is to keep all the words so that I don't send half word messages. If the 2nd split is less than 70 characters please submit it ... any help with this is greatly appreciated.

$message="A new powerful earthquake convulsed the traumatized nation of Nepal on Tuesday, leveling buildings already damaged by the devastating quake that killed thousands of people less than three weeks ago."

$msg = explode(' ',$message);

 foreach($msg as $key) {    

    $keylen = strlen($key);
    $msglen = $msglen + $keylen;
    if($msglen<70) {
    $msgs .=$key." ";
    // $agi->verbose("$msgs");
    } else {    
    $params = array(
            'src' => '18009993355',
            'dst' => $callerid,
            'text' => $msgs,
            'type' => 'sms',
    // $agi->verbose("sending: $msgs");
    $response = $p->send_message($params);
    $msgs = "";
    $msglen = 0;



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2 answers

$message = "A new powerful earthquake convulsed the traumatized nation of Nepal on Tuesday, leveling buildings already damaged by the devastating quake that killed thousands of people less than three weeks ago.";

define ("MAX_PACKET_SIZE", 70);

$msg        = explode (' ',$message);
$indexes    = array (0);
$actualSize = 0 ;
for ($i=0 ; $i<count($msg) ; $i++) {
    if ($actualSize + strlen ($msg[$i]) <= MAX_PACKET_SIZE ) {
        $actualSize += strlen ($msg[$i]);
        if (($i+1) < count($msg)) {
    }else {
        $indexes[]  = $i;
        $actualSize = 0 ;
$indexes[] = count ($msg);

for ($i=1 ; $i<count($indexes) ; $i++) {
    $temp = array_extract ($msg, $indexes[$i-1], $indexes[$i]);
    var_dump(implode (' ', $temp));
    $params = array ('src'  => '18009993355',
                     'dst'  => $callerid,
                     'text' => implode (' ', $temp) ,
                     'type' => 'sms');
    // $agi->verbose("sending: $msgs");
    $response = $p->send_message($params);

function array_extract ($array, $start, $stop) {
    $temp = array();
    for ($i=$start ; $i<$stop ; $i++) {
        $temp[] = $array[$i];
    return $temp;




What does $ msg contain? If the first message contains 49 characters or less, while the second message contains 50 more characters, it won't send the second message, does it?

You can put some var_dumps here and there to debug it.



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