Javascript exceptions not caught by debugger after installing typescript 1.4 with VS 2013

Javascript exceptions, syntax errors not hitting the debugger after installing typescript 1.4 with VS 2013.

Sample code ("whaever" doesn't exist - it's a fake object and function):"something");


Debugging in .ts files works fine, this code is in a .js file not related to typescript. It tries to get into the VS debugger when trying to execute it. Instead, it stops executing the JS code from the current file and skips everything after the code above without throwing any exceptions.

I have tried uninstalling, repairing, reinstalling typescript, and uninstalling / reinstalling VS2013.

Has anyone else encountered this problem?


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1 answer

You may need to update the version of TypeScript the project is using. Most likely it is set to 1.0, you should set it to 1.4 or whatever version of the compiler you have installed. This can lead to confusion in the instrumentation or simply to crash.

In the project file:



Another potential problem is if your map files won't be output at compile time:





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