Control points in a pentaho spoon

The pentaho documentation ( ) indicates that as of version 5.0 you can define "checkpoints" and "checkpoints" to allow you to restart ETL jobs from the latest failed point, so you don't have to go back and rerun a bunch of steps that have already been successfully completed.

I am running Pentaho Data Integration 5.0.1 and I cannot see any of these features in Spoon. Any ideas what the problem is?


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3 answers

I think you are using the pdi-ce-5.0 community. These features are available in the Enterprise edition.



Check pointing is a corporate release feature in version 5.0. If you are a paid customer, please contact support to debug the problem. You may be using the wrong product. If you are a community user, you will have to manually create checkpoints in your ETL. This can be a good reason to buy a corporate edition. If permanent forwarding is important to your business, manually recording it requires additional coding and defects.



One way to do it with the community version is as follows: with a teapot, you output to a file where you save the state it was in before the crash, for example: last run

in this file you will have the last value you chose to be your chekpoint and if it fails you know where it stayed before giving an error then you can use the value you have in that file in as a parameter of your transform or assignment, and specify that Begin from this value, or you can do it manually, sorry my english, this rusty



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