Aligning a table in a java array

My code:

// for loop for displaying multiple values
for (int index = 0; index < 5; index++) { 

    System.out.println("\t\t" + name[index] + "\t\t\t" + "$" + sales[index] + "\t\t\t" + "$" + comm[index] + " ");


This is the current output, but I want to display the output at the same interval

             Sales and Commission
     Salesperson        Sales Amount        Commission
    u ujuhygtfd         $89000          $8900.0 
    uh uh           $87000          $8700.0 
    t t         $65000          $5200.0 
    f f         $54000          $4320.0 
    u r         $43000          $2580.0 

     Total: 9 Data entries


How can I display my data like this?

             Sales and Commission
     Salesperson        Sales Amount        Commission
    u ujuhygtfd         $89000          $8900.0 
    uh uh               $87000          $8700.0 
    t t                 $65000          $5200.0 
    f f                 $54000          $4320.0 
    u r                 $43000          $2580.0 

     Total: 9 Data entries 



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2 answers

As said in this answer (slightly modified):

Use System.out.format . You can set the lengths of such fields:

System.out.format("%32s%10d%16d", name[index], sales[index], comm[index]);

These are spacers name[index]

, sales[index]

and comm[index]

up to 32, 10, and 16 characters, respectively.

See the Javadocs for java.util.Formatter for more information on syntax ( System.out.format

uses Formatter




You can do something like

    for (int index = 0; index < 5; index++) { // for loop for displaying multiple values
        int numOfSpaces = 20 - name[index].length();
        String spaces = "";
        for (int i = 0; i<numOfSpaces; i++)
            spaces += " ";
        System.out.println("\t\t" + name[index] + spaces + "$" + sales[index] + "\t\t\t" + "$" + comm[index] + " ");


And change the arbitrary 20 to whatever you want eg. longest string in names + 5.



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