Nice table with StringBuilder

I know the "printf" method can use string formatting.

My question is: Is there a way to create a beautiful table with the StringBuilder class?

For example:


And under that line, I have to add values ​​for each column!

Doing something like this: example , but using a StringBuilder

So the community wants to see my answer (which I don't understand why ... but anyway I'll put it in!)

public String toString(){
    StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();

    s.append("Category: "+this.category+"\t");
    s.append("Level: "+this.level.toString()+"\t");

    return s.toString();


Now explain to me why my answer will help me? I really want to see your answer!


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2 answers

A simple approach, of course, is to create wired operators printf

. However, this is not very flexible because you always need to fix the column widths and the functions will always be specific to one class and its fields.

So, I would like to suggest a helper class that basically does two things:

  • Encapsulates the creation of table cell records (via Java 8 Function

  • Calculates the maximum width of each column, m, for a given set of elements.

Let there be a given model class, for example a Person

, for example:

class Person
    int getId() { ... }
    String getFirstName() { ... }
    String getLastName() { ... }
    float getHeight()  { ... }


Then I would like to create a "nice" table like this:

TableStringBuilder<Person> t = new TableStringBuilder<Person>();
t.addColumn("id", Person::getId);
t.addColumn("first name", Person::getFirstName);
t.addColumn("last name", Person::getLastName);
t.addColumn("height", Person::getHeight);
String s = t.createString(persons);


And I expect the content of this line to be a nicely formatted table:

   id|   first name|    last name|height
41360|Xvnjhpdqdxvcr|    Stvybcwvm|   1.7
 3503|      Krxvzxk|      Xtspsjd|   1.6
41198|       Uegqfl|  Qlocfljbepo|  1.58
26517|       Somyar|       Aopufo|  1.77
13773| Dxehxjbhwgsm|     Jgnlonjv|  1.77
13067|       Zozitk|       Jbozwd|  1.81
46534|        Bosyq|      Kcprrdc|  1.55
93862|    Rlfxblgqp|   Pgrntaqoos|  1.85
12155|   Kjpjlavsqc|Rxfrrollhwhoh|  1.79
75712|        Fwpnd|     Mwcsshwx|  1.78


Here is an MVCE that shows one TableStringBuilder

and its application:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.function.Function;

public class TableStringTest
    public static void main(String[] args)
        List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<Person>();
        for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
            persons.add(new Person());

        TableStringBuilder<Person> t = new TableStringBuilder<Person>();
        t.addColumn("id", Person::getId);
        t.addColumn("first name", Person::getFirstName);
        t.addColumn("last name", Person::getLastName);
        t.addColumn("height", Person::getHeight);

        String s = t.createString(persons);

class TableStringBuilder<T>
    private final List<String> columnNames;
    private final List<Function<? super T, String>> stringFunctions;

        columnNames = new ArrayList<String>();
        stringFunctions = new ArrayList<Function<? super T, String>>();

    void addColumn(String columnName, Function<? super T, ?> fieldFunction)
        stringFunctions.add((p) -> (String.valueOf(fieldFunction.apply(p))));

    private int computeMaxWidth(int column, Iterable<? extends T> elements)
        int n = columnNames.get(column).length();
        Function<? super T, String> f = stringFunctions.get(column);
        for (T element : elements)
            String s = f.apply(element);
            n = Math.max(n, s.length());
        return n;

    private static String padLeft(String s, char c, int length)
        while (s.length() < length)
            s = c + s;
        return s;

    private List<Integer> computeColumnWidths(Iterable<? extends T> elements)
        List<Integer> columnWidths = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        for (int c=0; c<columnNames.size(); c++)
            int maxWidth = computeMaxWidth(c, elements);
        return columnWidths;

    public String createString(Iterable<? extends T> elements)
        List<Integer> columnWidths = computeColumnWidths(elements);

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int c=0; c<columnNames.size(); c++)
            if (c > 0)
            String format = "%"+columnWidths.get(c)+"s";
            sb.append(String.format(format, columnNames.get(c)));
        for (int c=0; c<columnNames.size(); c++)
            if (c > 0)
            sb.append(padLeft("", '-', columnWidths.get(c)));

        for (T element : elements)
            for (int c=0; c<columnNames.size(); c++)
                if (c > 0)
                String format = "%"+columnWidths.get(c)+"s";
                Function<? super T, String> f = stringFunctions.get(c);
                String s = f.apply(element);
                sb.append(String.format(format, s));
        return sb.toString();

//Dummy Person Class
class Person
    private int id;
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private float height;

    private static Random random = new Random(0);

        id = random.nextInt(100000);
        firstName = createRandomString();
        lastName = createRandomString();
        height = (150 + random.nextInt(40)) / 100.0f;

    private static String createRandomString()
        int length = random.nextInt(10) + 5;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        char offset = 'A';
        for (int i=0; i<length; i++)
            char c = (char)(random.nextInt(26) + offset);
            offset = 'a';
        return sb.toString();

    int getId()
        return id;

    String getFirstName()
        return firstName;

    String getLastName()
        return lastName;

    float getHeight()
        return height;




Ok, so thanks for the whole answer that I liked.

I figured we could do it like this:

public String toString(){
    StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();

    for(String id : this.idTable.keySet()) {
        //s.append("Identifier: " +id+" "+this.idTable.get(id).toString()+"\n");
    return s.toString();


Please note: String.format

that does all the work I wanted and didn't know before!

Come back to you @ Marko13 you did a very good job !!!! Thanks everyone!

PS: I'll post from @ Marco13 because its implementation is very good too!



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