How to convert matrix <double> to Matrix <float>?

I want to calculate something like: Matrix<float> * Matrix<double>


has about 6M * 3 elements, how can I convert Matrix<double>

to Matrix<float>

to get the result Matrix<float>



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2 answers

You can convert your double matrix argument to a floating point matrix using the function Map


Matrix<double> m1 = Matrix<double>.Build.Random(6000000,3);
Matrix<float> m2 = m1.Map(x => (float)x);


Or alternatively

Matrix<float> m2 = m1.Map(Convert.ToSingle);




Here's how to convert double array to float array, you just need to convert matrix to array and vice versa

public static float[][] Convert(double[][] mtx)
    var floatMtx = new float[mtx.Length][];
    for (int i = 0; i < mtx.Length; i++)
        floatMtx[i] = new float[mtx[i].Length];
        for (int j = 0; j < mtx[i].Length; j++)
            floatMtx[i][j] = (float)mtx[i][j];
    return floatMtx;

public static float[][] Convert(double[][] mtx)
    return mtx.Select(i => i.Select(j => (float)j).ToArray()).ToArray();




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