Namespacing Bootstrap 3 class prefixed

I am wondering what is the best way to namespacing bootstrap 3 CSS class using a prefix.

This question is not only related to the order of loading names, so it only applies in a specific container (see here: How to use a namespace on Twitter so that styles don't clash ), but to change all generated CSS classes using a predefined prefix.

I've started prefixing pl-

LESS files pretty much everywhere, but I must be missing a few things because I'm breaking some of the styling. So I'm looking for a smarter solution ...

For example, a class .alert

in alerts.less

should be .pl-alert


The point is that I am writing a plugin that can be used by other people (included in their website) and I should avoid them changing styles by mistake (they probably have a class .alert

that will be merged with mine and do mess), so I want to avoid that by using a specific prefix.


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1 answer

I had the same problem and was looking for some suggestions ... I found that the best way for me would be to have a namespace.less file in my bootstrap node project.

.namespace {
    @import (less) "../dist/css/bootstrap.css";


In my Gruntfile, I will create a task to compile another distribution. Something like that:

less: {
      compileCore: {
        options: {
          strictMath: true,
          sourceMap: true,
          outputSourceFiles: true,
          sourceMapURL: '<%= %>',
          sourceMapFilename: 'dist/css/<%= %>'
        src: 'less/bootstrap.less',
        dest: 'dist/css/<%= %>.css'
      compileTheme: {
        options: {
          strictMath: true,
          sourceMap: true,
          outputSourceFiles: true,
          sourceMapURL: '<%= %>',
          sourceMapFilename: 'dist/css/<%= %>'
        src: 'less/theme.less',
        dest: 'dist/css/<%= %>-theme.css'
      **compileNamespace: {
        options: {
          strictMath: true,
          sourceMap: true,
          outputSourceFiles: true,
          sourceMapURL: '<%= %>',
          sourceMapFilename: 'dist/css/<%= %>'
        src: 'less/namespace.less',
        dest: 'dist/css/ml.<%= %>.css'


But there is some kind of cleanup that I will need to do afterwards. In particular, all styles created by normalize.less and scaffolding.less.

I would create a Grunt task using RegExp to replace the styles that start with .namespace html

, simply html

, and those that start with .namespace body

would bebody.namespace

Then, in my HTML markup, I'll just add the namespace class to the body tag.



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