How to clear a string according to a date

So, I created a workbook to check and publish sets of other books / reports elsewhere. Part of the process is for the user to enter a date value into a cell and this is checked inside the reports that the user has listed.

The formatting of the date doesn't matter because I am doing a date-to-date type comparison in my validation function.


if CDate(UserVal) = CDate(ValFromString) then
    'do stuff
end if


Another common occurrence is that the date was always at the end of a row in a matched cell.


Current 52 Weeks Ending 04/10/15
Cur 52 Weeks Apr 4, 2015
Current 52 WE 4-Apr-15


No matter what format the user enters into the validation cell, I just keep drawing on the right until isdate

it returns true.

I know I was lucky with this setup and the date was always at the end. Now I am facing two instances not working.

4 WE 04/11/2015 Current 12


In the first case, the bracket breaks my right()

stripping. In the second, the date is in the middle. The format of the date value differs from report to report, so I cannot follow through instr(1, String, cstr(UserVal))

to perform validation. The location of the date is also not set in stone, as it can be at the end, at the beginning, or anywhere in the middle of the string.

A short way to put it, is there an easy way to scan a string for a specified date value, format agnostic?


source to share

2 answers

Below you will find the date, if any, but it may not be the date you want:

Sub INeedADate()
  Dim st As String, L As Long, i As Long, j As Long
  st = ActiveCell.Text
  L = Len(st)

  For i = 1 To L - 1
    For j = 1 To L
      st2 = Mid(st, i, j)
      If IsDate(st2) Then
        MsgBox CDate(st2)
        Exit Sub
      End If
    Next j
  Next i
End Sub


This routine generates all correctly ordered substrings of the string and checks each one for IsDate ()

The problem is that for:

Current 52 weeks ends 04/10/15

It finds the substring:


valid date first!

Do you want ALL valid dates inside a string ???

EDIT # 1:

The solution is to just run the length portion of the Mid () function backwards:

Sub INeedADate()
  Dim st As String, L As Long, i As Long, j As Long
  st = ActiveCell.Text
  L = Len(st)

  For i = 1 To L - 1
    For j = L To 1 Step -1
      st2 = Mid(st, i, j)
      If IsDate(st2) Then
        MsgBox CDate(st2)
        Exit Sub
      End If
    Next j
  Next i
End Sub




Here is my weak attempt: D

This will fit a wide range of date formats

Hope it helps

Sub Sample()
    Dim MyAr(1 To 5) As String, frmt As String
    Dim FrmtAr, Ret
    Dim i As Long, j As Long

    MyAr(1) = "(This 01 has 04/10/15 in it)"
    MyAr(2) = "This 04/10/2015"
    MyAr(3) = "4-Apr-15 is a Sample date"
    MyAr(4) = "(Apr 4, 2015) is another sample date"
    MyAr(5) = "How about ((Feb 24 2012)) this?"

    '~~> Various date formats
    '~~> YYYY (/????) grouped together. Will search for this first
    frmt = "??/??/????|?/??/????|??/?/????|??-??-????|"
    frmt = frmt & "?-??-????|??-?-????|??? ?? ????|??? ? ????|"
    frmt = frmt & "?-???-????|???-??-????|???-?-????|"
    frmt = frmt & "??? ??, ????|??? ?, ????|"

    '~~> YY (??) grouped after. Will search for this later
    frmt = frmt & "??-???-??|?-???-??|??/??/??|?/??/??|??/?/??|"
    frmt = frmt & "??-??-??|?-??-??|??-?-??|???-??-??|???-?-??|"
    frmt = frmt & "|??? ?? ??|??? ? ??|??? ??, ??|??? ?, ??|"

    FrmtAr = Split(frmt, "|")

    For i = LBound(MyAr) To UBound(MyAr)
        For j = 0 To UBound(FrmtAr)

            'Something like =MID(A1,SEARCH("??/??/??",A1,1),8)
            Expr = "=MID(" & Chr(34) & MyAr(i) & Chr(34) & ",SEARCH(" & _
                   Chr(34) & Trim(FrmtAr(j)) & Chr(34) & _
                  "," & Chr(34) & MyAr(i) & Chr(34) & ",1)," _
                  & Len(Trim(FrmtAr(j))) & ")"

            Ret = Application.Evaluate(Expr)

            If Not IsError(Ret) Then
                If IsDate(Ret) Then
                    Debug.Print Ret
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        Next j
    Next i
End Sub



enter image description here


You can also use this as an Excel function

Insert this into a module

Public Function ExtractDate(rng As Range) As String
    Dim frmt As String
    Dim FrmtAr, Ret
    Dim j As Long

    ExtractDate = "No Date Found"

    '~~> Various date formats
    '~~> YYYY (/????) grouped together. Will search for this first
    frmt = "??/??/????|?/??/????|??/?/????|??-??-????|"
    frmt = frmt & "?-??-????|??-?-????|??? ?? ????|??? ? ????|"
    frmt = frmt & "?-???-????|???-??-????|???-?-????|"
    frmt = frmt & "??? ??, ????|??? ?, ????|"

    '~~> YY (??) grouped after. Will search for this later
    frmt = frmt & "??-???-??|?-???-??|??/??/??|?/??/??|??/?/??|"
    frmt = frmt & "??-??-??|?-??-??|??-?-??|???-??-??|???-?-??|"
    frmt = frmt & "|??? ?? ??|??? ? ??|??? ??, ??|??? ?, ??|"

    FrmtAr = Split(frmt, "|")

    For j = 0 To UBound(FrmtAr)

        'Something like =MID(A1,SEARCH("??/??/??",A1,1),8)
        Expr = "=MID(" & Chr(34) & rng.Value & Chr(34) & ",SEARCH(" & _
               Chr(34) & Trim(FrmtAr(j)) & Chr(34) & _
              "," & Chr(34) & rng.Value & Chr(34) & ",1)," _
              & Len(Trim(FrmtAr(j))) & ")"

        Ret = Application.Evaluate(Expr)

        If Not IsError(Ret) Then
            If IsDate(Ret) Then
                ExtractDate = Ret
                Exit For
            End If
        End If
    Next j
End Function


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Note . I am still working on a version RegEx

much shorter than this ...

Edit : as promised! I'm sure it made me more perfect, but now I can't spend more on it :)

RegEx version

Sub Sample()
    Dim MyAr(1 To 5) As String

    MyAr(1) = "(This 01 has (04/10/15) in it)"
    MyAr(2) = "This 04/10/2015"
    MyAr(3) = "4-Apr-15 is a smaple date"
    MyAr(4) = "(Apr 4, 2015) is another sample date"
    MyAr(5) = "How about ((Feb 24 2012)) this?"

    For i = 1 To 5
        Debug.Print DateExtract(MyAr(i))
    Next i
End Sub

Function DateExtract(s As String) As String
    Dim a As String, b As String, c As String
    Dim sPattern As String

    sPattern = "\b(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)"
    sPattern = sPattern & "\s(\d\d?),?\s+(\d{2,4})|(\d\d?)[\s-]("
    sPattern = sPattern & "jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec"
    sPattern = sPattern & ")[\s-,]\s?(\d{2,4})|(\d\d?)[-/](\d\d?)[-/](\d{2,4})\b"

    With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
        .Global = False
        .IgnoreCase = True
        .Pattern = sPattern
        If .Test(s) Then
            Dim matches
            Set matches = .Execute(s)
            With matches(0)
                a = .SubMatches(0) & .SubMatches(3) & .SubMatches(6)
                b = .SubMatches(1) & .SubMatches(4) & .SubMatches(7)
                c = .SubMatches(2) & .SubMatches(5) & .SubMatches(8)
                DateExtract = a & " " & b & " " & c
            End With
        End If
    End With
End Function


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