How to interrupt a recursive function and return a value

I am trying to find a TextBox control in an ASP.NET page using a recursive function. When this control is found, I would like to end the function and return it.

My main problem is that I cannot stop the recursive function and return the control.

Here's my code:

//execute recursive function to find a control in page by its id
TextBox textbox = GetTextBoxByID(controlCollection, id);

//recursive function
private TextBox GetTextBoxByID(ControlCollection controlCollection, string id)
    foreach (Control control in controlCollection)
        if (control is TextBox)
            TextBox tb = (TextBox)control;

            if (tb.ID == id)
                //return selected texbox and terminate this recursion
                return tb;

        if (control.HasControls())
            GetTextBoxByID(control.Controls, id);

    //no control found return null
    return null;



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2 answers

You are missing one more check, right here:

if (control.HasControls())
    var result = GetTextBoxByID(control.Controls, id);
    if (result != null)
        return result;




private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Control ctrl = GetControlByName(this, "archHalfRoundWindowGroup");

public Control GetControlByName(Control Ctrl, string Name)
    Control ctrl = new Control();
    foreach (Control x in Ctrl.Controls)
        if (x.Name == Name)
            return ctrl=x;
        if (x.Controls.Count > 0)
            ctrl= GetControlByName(x, Name);
            if (ctrl.Name != "")
                return ctrl;
        if (ctrl.Name != "")
            return ctrl;
        return ctrl;




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