JMeter stuck at "Waiting for shutdown message on port 4445"

I am trying to use jmeter on the command line using:

./ -n -t testplan.jmx -l log.jtl


It works 8/10 times, but he gets stuck in a statement several times waiting for possible shutdown message..

. I am using CentOS 6 and JMeter version 2.9 r1437961. There are two thread groups in my test plan that are configured to run sequentially from the GUI. Any suggestions for the problem?



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2 answers

Have you set timeouts for your HTTP requests? If not, then jmeter will wait indefinitely for a response from the server, which can lead to such a problem.

So the fix is ​​to set a connection and read timeout in HTTP requests by default.

Also you are upgrading to JMeter 2.13.



To further break down the UBIK LOAD PACK comments,

  • Go to Testplan level and Add -> config Element -> HTTP Request Default Values.

  • Set protocol, server name and port (not sure if you really need it, but worked for me)

  • Go to the Advanced tab and add timeout periods (milliseconds) to Connection and Response Timeouts (I set as 10000)



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