Python Object List Consolidation for Pydub Module

I am trying to combine a list of wav files together into one audio file. So far, this is what I have. I can't wrap my head around how to sum the objects though, since each one is an object.

import glob, os
from pydub import AudioSegment

wavfiles = []
for file in glob.glob('*.WAV'):

outfile = "sounds.wav"

pydubobjects = []

for file in wavfiles:

combined_sounds = sum(pydubobjects) #this is what doesn't work of course

# it should be like so
# combined_sounds = sound1 + sound2 + sound 3
# with each soundX being a pydub object

combined_sounds.export(outfile, format='wav')



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1 answer

The function sum

fails because its default value is 0 and you cannot add AudioSegment

an integer either .

You just need to add the initial value like so:

combined_sounds = sum(pydubobjects, AudioSegment.empty())


Also, you don't need separate loops if you just want to concatenate files (and don't need intermediate lists of filenames or objects AudioSegment


import glob
from pydub import AudioSegment

combined_sound = AudioSegment.empty()
for filename in glob.glob('*.wav'):
    combined_sound += AudioSegment.from_wav(filename)

outfile = "sounds.wav"
combined_sound.export(outfile, format='wav')




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