Failed to update ColdFusion after following blocking steps
I am trying to install ColdFusion 11 (Standard) on a new Windows server (Windows Server 2012 R2). The installation was apparently successful, but when I went to Admin to install the latest update, I can't. When I click the Download or Download and Install button, nothing happens. I am specifically hoping to install the latest cumulative update (5), but I also tried the buttons for update 4 and they didn't work either. And from what I can find, Adobe no longer provides a manual way to download and install updates.
I tried launching the browser using "Run as administrator" and it didn't work. I've tried IE and Chrome. The rest of the Administrator seems to be working fine - for example, I was able to update the server settings.
In case it's helpful, here's the html that generates the download buttons:
<input name="download" type="button" onclick="showDownloadProgressBar('pBarhf-11-0005','hf-11-0005','0',false,false)" value="Download" title="Download" class="buttn">
<input name="install" type="button" onclick="showDownloadInstallProgressBar('hf-11-0005')" value="Download and Install" title="Download and Install" class="buttn">
<input type="hidden" name="hfid" value="hf-11-0005">
I really appreciate any help. Thank.
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Thanks everyone for the suggestions. The solution was mapped out by Anit. Here is my problem and solution.
I tried to follow the blocking guide. So I added request filtering to block access to / cfide / scripts. None of my apps use affected tags, so I haven't created a virtual directory or changed the default scripts directory in Administrator. But this morning I realized that the Updates page in the Admin is using CFFORM. So I created a virtual directory, updated the script directory in Administrator and voila, the problem is resolved.
If possible, I would suggest updating the locking guide (unless I missed it elsewhere in the guide). Page 36 says, "If your websites use certain tags or features, you can change that URI to a URI without the default outside / CFIDE." I think this should be changed because it is not optional. As far as I can tell, the website the Administrator is running must have access to the script directory in order to perform the updates. (The table on page 28 says that the administrator uses some of these tags, but again I think it would be helpful to indicate that they should perform updates.)
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