Saving data to a dataset that has been programmatically configured

I am creating a form where I need to programmatically set bindings and dataset (since it is a variable and different documents can be loaded into it). I was able to get a form to upload any information to DataGridView

, and also load this information from DataGridView

into some text fields for structured editing:

Example Of Form

However, I am struggling to get the edited information to save in the database. He won't even update DataGridView

anything. Here's the code I'm currently using:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.OleDb

Module DataGridView_Setup

    Public Sub Set_Datasource(mode As Integer)

        Dim connString As String = My.Settings.Database_String
        Dim myConnection As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection
        myConnection.ConnectionString = connString
        ' create a data adapter 
        Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT ID, [Name Of Person], [SAP Job Number], [Site Name], [Asset Description], [Spares Supplier], [Supplier Contact Name], [Supplier Contact Phone Number], [Supplier Contact Email], [Spares Description], [Part Number], [Quantity To Order], Cost, [Request Date], [Date Ordered], [Ordered By], [Invoice Received], [Invoice Paid], [Method Of Payment], [Date Item Received], [Additional Comments], [Quote Attatchment] FROM Spares", myConnection)

        ' create a new dataset 
        Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet
        ' fill dataset 
        da.Fill(ds, "Spares")

        Main.DataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)

        Main.DataGridView1.AllowUserToAddRows = False

        'Set Site Listbox

        Dim SiteString = My.Settings.SETTINGS_SiteNames
        Dim SiteBox = Main.VIEW_Site.Items


        Do Until SiteString = ""
            Dim ActiveSiteName = Left(SiteString, InStr(SiteString, "¦"))
            ActiveSiteName = ActiveSiteName.Remove(ActiveSiteName.Length - 1)

            With SiteBox
            End With

            SiteString = Replace(SiteString, ActiveSiteName + "¦", "")


        'Set DataBindings
        Main.VIEW_Ref.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.ID", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

        Main.VIEW_NameOfPerson.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.Name Of Person", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

        Main.VIEW_SAPJobNo.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.SAP Job Number", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

        Main.VIEW_Site.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.Site Name", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

        Main.VIEW_AssetDesc.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.Asset Description", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

        Main.VIEW_SparesSupplier.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.Spares Supplier", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

        Main.VIEW_SupplierContactName.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.Supplier Contact Name", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

        Main.VIEW_SupplierContactNumber.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.Supplier Contact Phone Number", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

        Main.VIEW_SupplierContactNumber.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.Supplier Contact Phone Number", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

        Main.VIEW_SupplierContactEmail.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.Supplier Contact Email", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

        Main.VIEW_SparesDesc.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.Spares Description", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

        Main.VIEW_PartNumber.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.Part Number", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

        Main.VIEW_QuantityToOrder.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.Quantity To Order", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

        Main.VIEW_CostEach.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.Cost", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

        Main.VIEW_DateRequested.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.Request Date", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

        Main.VIEW_DateOrdered.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.Date Ordered", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

        Main.VIEW_OrderedBy.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.Ordered By", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

        Main.VIEW_InvoiceReceivedDate.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.Invoice Received", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

        Main.VIEW_InvoicePaidDate.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds, "Spares.Invoice Paid", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

    End Sub

    Public Sub BindingUpdates()
        Dim curr As DataGridViewRow = Main.DataGridView1.CurrentRow

        Main.VIEW_Ref.Text = curr.Cells("ID").Value
        Main.VIEW_NameOfPerson.Text = curr.Cells("Name Of Person").Value
        Main.VIEW_SAPJobNo.Text = curr.Cells("SAP Job Number").Value
        Main.VIEW_Site.Text = curr.Cells("Site Name").Value
        Main.VIEW_AssetDesc.Text = curr.Cells("Asset Description").Value
        Main.VIEW_SparesSupplier.Text = curr.Cells("Spares Supplier").Value
        Main.VIEW_SupplierContactName.Text = curr.Cells("Supplier Contact Name").Value
        Main.VIEW_SupplierContactNumber.Text = curr.Cells("Supplier Contact Phone Number").Value
        Main.VIEW_SupplierContactEmail.Text = curr.Cells("Supplier Contact Email").Value
        Main.VIEW_SparesDesc.Text = curr.Cells("Spares Description").Value
        Main.VIEW_PartNumber.Text = curr.Cells("Part Number").Value
        Main.VIEW_QuantityToOrder.Text = curr.Cells("Quantity To Order").Value
        Main.VIEW_CostEach.Text = "£" + CStr(curr.Cells("Cost").Value)
        Main.VIEW_DateRequested.Text = curr.Cells("Request Date").Value

        'Handle DBNULL From now on

        If IsDBNull(curr.Cells("Date Ordered").Value) = True Then
            With Main.VIEW_DateOrdered
                .Text = "Not Ordered Yet"
                .BackColor = Color.LightPink
            End With

            With Main.VIEW_DateOrdered
                .Text = curr.Cells("Date Ordered").Value
                .BackColor = Color.White
            End With

        End If

        If IsDBNull(curr.Cells("Ordered By").Value) = True Then
            With Main.VIEW_OrderedBy
                .Text = "Not Ordered Yet"
                .BackColor = Color.LightPink
            End With
            With Main.VIEW_OrderedBy
                .Text = curr.Cells("Ordered By").Value
                .BackColor = Color.White
            End With

        End If

        If IsDBNull(curr.Cells("Invoice Received").Value) = True Then
            With Main.VIEW_InvoiceReceivedDate
                .Text = "No Invoice"
                .BackColor = Color.LightPink
            End With
            With Main.VIEW_InvoiceReceivedDate
                .Text = curr.Cells("Invoice Received").Value
                .BackColor = Color.White
            End With

        End If

        If IsDBNull(curr.Cells("Invoice Paid").Value) = True Then
            With Main.VIEW_InvoicePaidDate
                .Text = "Not Paid"
                .BackColor = Color.LightPink
            End With
            With Main.VIEW_InvoicePaidDate
                .Text = curr.Cells("Invoice Paid").Value
                .BackColor = Color.White
            End With

        End If

    End Sub

End Module


I installed DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged

and assumed that this means that when the textbox is changed, it will update the data source (which is the database). I am guessing this is not the case as it does not work.

I would really like to be able to edit multiple fields in a single data line (via text fields) and then click the Save Changes button to refresh the database.



I did a little more research, following some comments and answers, and wrote this code for my button Save


 Public Sub Save()
        Dim myCon = New OleDbConnection(My.Settings.Database_String)


        Dim sqr = "UPDATE [Spares] SET [Name Of Person] = '" & Main.VIEW_NameOfPerson.Text & "', [SAP Job Number] = '" & CInt(Main.VIEW_SAPJobNo.Text) & "', " & _
                "[Site Name] = '" & Main.VIEW_Site.Text & "', [Asset Description] = '" & Main.VIEW_AssetDesc.Text & "', " & _
                "[Spares Supplier] = '" & Main.VIEW_SparesSupplier.Text & "', [Supplier Contact Name] = '" & Main.VIEW_SupplierContactName.Text & "', " & _
                "[Supplier Contact Phone Number] = '" & Main.VIEW_SupplierContactNumber.Text & "', " & _
                "[Supplier Contact Email] = '" & Main.VIEW_SupplierContactEmail.Text & "', [Spares Description] = '" & Main.VIEW_SparesDesc.Text & "', " & _
                "[Part Number] = '" & Main.VIEW_PartNumber.Text & "', [Quantity To Order] = '" & CInt(Main.VIEW_QuantityToOrder.Text) & "', " & _
                "[Cost] = '" & CDbl(Main.VIEW_CostEach.Text) & "', [Request Date] = '" & CDate(Main.VIEW_DateRequested.Text) & "' WHERE [ID] = '" & CInt(Main.VIEW_Ref.Text) & "'"

        Dim Command = New OleDbCommand(sqr, myCon)
    End Sub


When the line Command.ExecuteNonQuery

tries to execute, I get the error:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in System.Data.dll

More information: Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

NB: The line created in sqr


UPDATE [Spares] SET [Name Of Person] = 'Name', [SAP Job Number] = '2', [Site Name] = 'Site', [Asset Description] = 'Asset', [Spares Supplier] = 'Spares Supplier', [Supplier Contact Name] = 'Contact Name', [Supplier Contact Phone Number] = 'Contact Email', [Supplier Contact Email] = 'Contact Number', [Spares Description] = 'Spare Desc', [Part Number] = 'Part Number', [Quantity To Order] = '1', [Cost] = '1', [Request Date] = '12/02/02' WHERE [ID] = '5'"


I am obviously using bogus information

Now I can't be too far away!


source to share

2 answers

I finally solved the issue with the following code placed inside the Save button:

    Public Sub Save()
        Dim myCon = New OleDbConnection(My.Settings.Database_String)


        Dim sqr = "UPDATE [Spares] SET [Name Of Person] = """ & Main.VIEW_NameOfPerson.Text & """, [SAP Job Number] = " & CInt(Main.VIEW_SAPJobNo.Text) & ", " & _
                "[Site Name] = """ & Main.VIEW_Site.Text & """, [Asset Description] = """ & Main.VIEW_AssetDesc.Text & """, " & _
                "[Spares Supplier] = """ & Main.VIEW_SparesSupplier.Text & """, [Supplier Contact Name] = """ & Main.VIEW_SupplierContactName.Text & """, " & _
                "[Supplier Contact Phone Number] = """ & Main.VIEW_SupplierContactNumber.Text & """, " & _
                "[Supplier Contact Email] = """ & Main.VIEW_SupplierContactEmail.Text & """, [Spares Description] = """ & Main.VIEW_SparesDesc.Text & """, " & _
                "[Part Number] = """ & Main.VIEW_PartNumber.Text & """, [Quantity To Order] = " & CInt(Main.VIEW_QuantityToOrder.Text) & ", " & _
                "[Cost] = " & CDbl(Main.VIEW_CostEach.Text) & ", [Request Date] = " & CDate(Main.VIEW_DateRequested.Text) & " WHERE [ID] = " & CInt(Main.VIEW_Ref.Text) & ""

        Dim Command = New OleDbCommand(sqr, myCon)
    End Sub

End Module




If the DataTable you are using to bind the grid is global, then when you click the button, you need to delete the entry from the DataTable that you want to update, and then add the edited data back to the DataTable using the same ID and then repeat to your grid. This will at least update your visual fields. To update the database, you need to invoke a query Update

sending the new data the ID of the records.

If your DataTable is not global, setting up the visual is different from having to scroll through each entry in the grid and then delete the correct one and then add the edited entry again with the same ID. The premise for the database call will still be the same.

Hope this helps you move in the right direction.



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