Animation to collection-repetition item in Ionic Framework

I want to add animation like fade-slide-in-right or slide bottom to ion list item in ionic Framework app. So please give me a hint on this.

I have the following code but it is hiding my list on the device using animate.css

              <ion-item class="item-avatar animated zoomInDown list-card" collection-repeat="list in listitem" href="#/app/listitems/{{}}">
                  <img src="{{list.Icon}}">



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  <div collection-repeat="name in names">
    <ion-item class="animated zoomInDown list-card">
      <div class="main">{{name.main}}</div>
      <div class="desc">{{name.desc}}</div>
      <div class="time">{{name.time}}</div>
      <div class="img-holder"><img ng-src="{{name.img}}"></div>



animation from Animate.css and step animation from ngAnimate
Here is a working example. Click the button cards-list

to animate the view and list.



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