Ionic AngularJS Facebook like button for Facebook page

this code works when i run in browser. But doesn't work in iPhone simulator.

I checked in the console, there is no error.

My goal is to add a Facebook button that points to my Facebook page in the ionic app. I am trying to implement basic code from Facebook developers site . But that doesn't work either.

Demo version of the plunger

<script type="text/ng-template" id="like.html">
  <div ng-if="pluginOn" onrender="rendered()" class="fb-like" data-href="" data-layout="standard" data-action="like" data-show-faces="true" data-share="true"></div>



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1 answer

It won't work for native apps because: is not supported yet. You will need a HOST for it to work. That is why it will work for WebBrowser (Hosted application).

This can be done using the graphical API: Built-in Like Button - Facebook SDK 3.0

So you have to create it yourself. There are many approaches for this. One of them is to do a POST: .

Hint: you need FB.init()

both FB.getLoginStatus()

and accessToken


If you are using cordova / phoneGap you can use .



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