R: subset and ordering big data without the forloop framework

I have a long table with 97M rows. Each line contains information about the action taken by the person and the timestamp for that action in the form:

actions <- c("walk","sleep", "run","eat")
people <- c("John","Paul","Ringo","George")
timespan <- seq(1000,2000,1)

df.in <- data.frame(who = sample(people, 10, replace=TRUE),
                    what = sample(actions, 10, replace=TRUE),
                    when = sample(timespan, 10, replace=TRUE))

#       who  what when
# 1    Paul   eat 1834
# 2    Paul sleep 1295
# 3    Paul   eat 1312
# 4   Ringo   eat 1635
# 5    John sleep 1424
# 6  George   run 1092
# 7    Paul  walk 1849
# 8    John   run 1854
# 9  George sleep 1036
# 10  Ringo  walk 1823


Each action can be taken or not taken by a person, and actions can be taken in any order.

I'm interested in summarizing the sequence of actions in my dataset. Specifically, for each person, I want to find which action was taken first, second, third and fourth. In case the action is performed several times, I am only interested in the first occurrence . Then, if someone runs, eats, eats, sleeps, and runs, I'm interested in the summation, for example run

, eat

, sleep


df.out <- data.frame(who = factor(character(), levels=people),
                     action1 = factor(character(), levels=actions),
                     action2 = factor(character(), levels=actions),
                     action3 = factor(character(), levels=actions),
                     action4 = factor(character(), levels=actions))


I can get what I want with forloop:

for (person in people) {
  tmp <- subset(df.in, who==person)
  tmp <- tmp[order(tmp$when),]
  chrono_list <- unique(tmp$what)
  df.out <- rbind(df.out, data.frame(who = person,
                                     action1 = chrono_list[1],
                                     action2 = chrono_list[2],
                                     action3 = chrono_list[3],
                                     action4 = chrono_list[4]))

#        who action1 action2 action3 action4
#   1   John   sleep     run    <NA>    <NA>
#   2   Paul   sleep     eat    walk    <NA>
#   3  Ringo     eat    walk    <NA>    <NA>
#   4 George   sleep     run    <NA>    <NA>


Is it possible to achieve this result without a loop in a more efficient way?


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4 answers

We could use dcast

from the devel version data.table

i.e. v1.9.5

... We can install it fromhere

dcast(setDT(df.in)[order(when),action:= paste0('action', 1:.N) ,who],
                           who~action, value.var='what')


If you need a unique

"what" for every "who"

dcast(setDT(df.in)[, .SD[!duplicated(what)], who][order(when),
    action:= paste0('action', 1:.N), who], who~action, value.var='what')
#         who action1 action2 action3
#1: George   sleep     run      NA
#2:   John   sleep     run      NA
#3:   Paul   sleep     eat    walk
#4:  Ringo     eat    walk      NA


Or use .I

will be slightly faster

 ind <- setDT(df.in)[,.I[!duplicated(what)], who]$V1 

 dcast(df.in[ind][order(when),action:= paste0('action', 1:.N) ,who], 
            who~action, value.var='what')


Or using setorder

and unique

, which can be memory efficient since setorder

reordering the dataset by reference.

 dcast(unique(setorder(setDT(df.in), who, when), by=c('who', 'what'))[,
     action:= paste0('action', 1:.N), who], who~action, value.var='what')
 #     who action1 action2 action3
 #1: George   sleep     run      NA
 #2:   John   sleep     run      NA
 #3:   Paul   sleep     eat    walk
 #4:  Ringo     eat    walk      NA




You can also use combo dplyr



df.in %>%
  group_by(who) %>%
  mutate(when = rank(when), when = paste0("action", when)) %>%
  spread(key = when, value = what)
 ##      who action1 action2 action3 action4
 ## 1 George   sleep     run      NA      NA
 ## 2   John   sleep     run      NA      NA
 ## 3   Paul   sleep     eat     eat    walk
 ## 4  Ringo     eat    walk      NA      NA



If you only want the first occurrence of the columns what

, you can simply filter the data first

df.in %>%
  arrange(when) %>%
  group_by(who) %>%
  filter(!duplicated(what)) %>%
  mutate(when = rank(when), when = paste0("action", when)) %>%
  spread(key = when, value = what)
##      who action1 action2 action3
## 1 George   sleep     run      NA
## 2   John   sleep     run      NA
## 3   Paul   sleep     eat    walk
## 4  Ringo     eat    walk      NA




I see that you tagged plyr, but you can also do this with dplyr. Something like below should work:

df.in %>%
    group_by(who) %>%
    arrange(when) %>%
    summarise(action1 = first(what),
              action2 = nth(what, 2),
              action3 = nth(what, 3),
              action4 = last(what))




Here's a more traditional method split-apply-combine

. This is more idiomatic R code than a loop for

, although the {dplyr} and {data.table} solutions seem to be more common than this {base} R solution. This method uses dcast

from {reshape2}, but it can also use reshape()

{ base} R.

This method is probably not much faster than the loop for

asked in the question. I would be interested to know how the three methods given compare for a large dataset. I am a newbie and recently working on learning R data processing. Any feedback is appreciated.


#Split the data by person and apply the function
actions <- lapply(split(df.in, df.in$who), function(tmp) {

    tmp <- tmp[order(tmp$when),]
    dup <- duplicated(tmp$what)
    df.out <- data.frame(who = tmp$who[!dup], what = tmp$what[!dup])
    df.out$actionNo <- paste("action", c(1:nrow(df.out)), sep = "")


#Combine the results
act_rbind <- do.call(rbind, actions)
act_cast <- dcast(act_rbind, who ~ actionNo, value.var = "what")

    #      who action1 action2 action3
    # 1 George   sleep     run    <NA>
    # 2   John   sleep     run    <NA>
    # 3   Paul   sleep     eat    walk
    # 4  Ringo     eat    walk    <NA>




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