Generating .NET Privacy with SecretManager
I am working with Visual Studio 2015 RC and following instructions to add Facebook auth. It says to store the Facebook app id as secret with the SecretManager app:
"Install the Facebook AppId by configuring the user secret. Authentication: Facebook: AppId 862373430475128"
I am not quite clear on how to install SecretManager or how to access it from the command line. I am used to VS2010 and so the dnvm / dnu stuff is completely negligible for me. Here's what I've tried:
- opened the usual command line and typed dnvm - it works; it's in the PATH
- enter user secret - not recognized
- tried to install SecretManager via dnvm - got an error partially via
- added SecretManager to my project via nuGet - worked but I don't understand where to go to enter "user secret"
Can anyone provide a simple set of steps to get to where I can use the "user secret" command?
UPDATE: After manually adding dnu tool to my path and running
dnu commands install SecretManager
I got the following command line output:
OK'SecretManager' 595ms
Restoring packages for C:\Users\jprice\.dnx\bin\packages\6534b338f1b44210898ea19d5c3801b9\project.json
Writing lock file C:\Users\jprice\.dnx\bin\packages\6534b338f1b44210898ea19d5c3801b9\project.lock.json
Restore complete, 358ms elapsed
Restoring packages for C:\Users\jprice\.dnx\bin\packages\SecretManager\1.0.0-beta4\app\project.json
OK'System.Console' 407ms
Unable to locate SecretManager >= 1.0.0-beta4-10173
Writing lock file C:\Users\jprice\.dnx\bin\packages\SecretManager\1.0.0-beta4\app\project.lock.json
Restore complete, 564ms elapsed
Errors in C:\Users\jprice\.dnx\bin\packages\SecretManager\1.0.0-beta4\app\project.json
Unable to locate SecretManager >= 1.0.0-beta4-10173
I know how to install nuGet packages for a specific application, but I am less clear about how the concept of global tools works. I'm at VS 2010 right now, so this is mostly a beginner.
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See . The user had the same issue with SecretManager and his solution (editing the dependency version in C: \ Users \ myname.dnx \ bin \ packages \ SecretManager \ 1.0.0-beta4 \ app) worked for me.
I still don't 100% understand why I had to manually configure the PATH on the dnu tool, but my guess is that the community edition is simply missing the VS command line and other items.
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