Transferring characters / strings from R to Fortran

I have a Fortran routine that selects a function based on a string value and then executes that function.

!! file:select.f90
module funcs
        subroutine add(x, y, xy)
            real :: x, y, xy
            xy = x + y
        end subroutine

        subroutine diff(x, y, xy)
            real :: x, y, xy
            xy = x - y
        end subroutine
end module

subroutine simple(modname)
    use funcs

    procedure(), pointer :: model => null()

    character(10) :: modname
    real :: x, y, xy

    print *, "-",modname,"-"
    select case (modname)
            model => add
            model => diff
        case default
            print *, "No model with that name!"
    end select

    x = 4
    y = 3
    call model(x, y, xy)
    print *, xy

end subroutine


I would like to call this subroutine from an R script.

# file:select.R
.Fortran("simple", "add")
.Fortran("simple", "diff")


As a standalone Fortran program

that takes a command line argument, this works great. He is even insensitive to the spaces before or after modname

. However, when I try to pass a character as an argument from R, it retypes the character correctly (no extra whitespace), but then doesn't recognize it as case

and skips over it default

. What's going on here? Is there some issue with the R character encoding that makes them incompatible with Fortran?


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