Effect of speed on error message

Given that it vbscript

does not have a type syntax On Error Goto MyLabel

as in vba

, I am considering using the following to handle errors:

On Error Resume Next

'Do some stuff

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    'Handle the error
End If

'Do some more stuff

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    'Handle the error
End If



My question is, what is the effect of speed on this type of technique?

Also, I would like to know if there is a better way to create some error handling in vbscript


source to share

2 answers

  • It makes no sense to compare the speed of correct and incorrect implementation. If your script doesn't fill out its specs without error handling and gets slower when using OERN, you need to choose a different language.
  • Since OERN errors are hidden , its scope should be as small as possible. Your sample code smells like using OERN all over the world - a very bad idea. Also: after every risky operation and the corresponding Err.Number check, you need Err.Clear or "On Error GoTo 0".
  • In other languages ​​(eg Python) "it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission" ; due to the poor nature of VBScript error handling, you should "watch before jumping" in most cases, and only use OERN when absolutely unavoidable (eg, check for registry keys, deal with possible external resource failures).

Idiom for handling local errors:

Dim gaErr ' global error array
Sub SomeSub()
    risky op
    gaErr = Array(Err.Number, Err.Description, ...)
    If gaErr(0) Then
       handle error
End Sub


If your specs require global error handling:

Dim gaErr
ret = main()
gaErr = Array(...)
If gaErr(0) Then
   some fatal/not locally handled error occured somewhere in your script
   handle it gracefully
   If ret is bad Then
      deal with this
      ask for more money
   End If
End If
WScript.Quit good/bad

Function main()
  main = ...
End Function


Update comment:

Why is the global OERN evil? Consider:

(1) Process/change important data
(2) Delete original data - if (1) failed you just destroyed the base of your business

(1) Process/change important data
(2) If Err.Nunber Then Backup(database, destinatiom)
(3) Continue although the Backup didn't take place, because at least three error were hidden


BTW: your Err.Clear addition is in the wrong place - you will lose information about the error before , you can handle this error.

Update comment #:

Consider this demo script:

' dgeh.vbs - demo global error handling

Option Explicit

' globals
Dim gWAN : Set gWAN = WScript.Arguments.Named
Dim gaErr

Dim iRet
' top-level/global OERN starts here (errors before will abort mercylessly)
On Error Resume Next
 iRet  = main() ' not more than two statements!
 gaErr = Array(Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
On Error GoTo 0
If gaErr(0) Then
   WScript.Echo "Fatal Error:", Join(gaErr, " * ")
   iRet = 1 ' or choose a better number
   If iRet Then
      WScript.Echo "need one of /good, /bad, or /fatal, Mr. User!"
      WScript.Echo "all well"
   End If
End If
WScript.Quit iRet

Function main()
  main = 2
  If gWAN.Count = 1 And (gWAN.Exists("good") Or gWAN.Exists("bad") Or gWAN.Exists("fatal")) Then
     main = 0
  End If
End Function

Sub readTheDocs()
    WScript.Echo "read Microsoft Docs"
    If gWAN.Exists("fatal") Then
    End If
End Sub

Sub trySomethingRisky()
  Dim n
  If gWAN.Exists("bad") Then n = 1 / 0
  WScript.Echo "but be skeptical of the text and your interpretation"
End Sub

Sub caTastrophy()
  On Error Resume Next ' simulating the evil global OERN and not checking *each* statement
     WScript.Echo "saving the world"
     WScript.Echo "deleting the now obsolete original"
  On Error GoTo 0
End Sub



cscript dgeh.vbs /fatal
read Microsoft Docs
saving the world
deleting the now obsolete original
all well


As there is no Sub saveTheWorld, you just did error handling, VBScript and everything else is deprecated. You can't even promise to never use the evil global OERN again, because you - and the writers who use it habitually (and by doing so proved that they are paid for their jokes, not their code) are gone. Let's hope the calling process does not accept the ERRORLEVEL value as a license for some further deletions.


cscript dgeh.vbs
need one of /good, /bad, or /fatal, Mr. User!

cscript dgeh.vbs /nix
need one of /good, /bad, or /fatal, Mr. User!

cscript dgeh.vbs /fatal /bad
need one of /good, /bad, or /fatal, Mr. User!


Demonstrate a take-before-go strategy.

for a good case:

cscript dgeh.vbs /good
read Microsoft Docs
but be skeptical of the text and your interpretation
all well


both messages are displayed (and rightfully so).

and now something completely different:

cscript dgeh.vbs /bad
read Microsoft Docs
Fatal Error: 11 * Division by zero * Microsoft VBScript runtime error


Please mark the absence of the second message. Division by zero will execute the next line in the active OERN area (store in gaErr) and will not continue blindly / thoughtlessly. A risky operation is in progress (execution of the main () and all its children) (via the gaErr proxy). This honors the rule of "no more than two lines (risky statement and saving eror information) in OERN scope".

The price to pay for such global error handling is that you lose line number information - handling gracefully with error becomes more complex.

But since there is only one OERN in your script (you won't have Sub caTastrophy () in your programs), you can comment it out during development and debugging.

the output from OERN is commented out:

cscript dgeh.vbs /bad
read Microsoft Docs
E:\trials\SoTrials\answers\21901890\vbs\dgeh.vbs(46, 30) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Division by zero




When I use error handling in Vbscript I don't see any performance issue. However, in my programs, it usually does something very simple, such as printing a "Failed" statement to the log file and then wscript.quit

, so I never found it slows down system performance. In the example you provided, it is usually added On Error Goto 0

after the last End If

one where you are checking for an error. This can result in the error not being resolved, so when you do the next error check, it has not yet saved the previous error value.



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