In Git, how do I detach a branch from its upstream branch?

I have a branch that was built from another branch, but should actually be a separate branch from master (they are great features). Right now I believe I have this:

...- master
         A1 - A2


I want none of the changes on branch A to be on branch B. The result should be:

          A1 - A2      


So far I've tried git branch --set-upstream-to=master

and git rebase master

(so far on B), but that doesn't do what I want.


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2 answers

It should be rebase --onto


git checkout B1
git rebase --onto master A2 B1




one way might be to create new branch from master and cherry as well - select commits made on B1

git checkout master
git checkout -b B1 #(either delete beforehand B1 (git branch -D B1) or use a different name here)
git cherry-pick SHA-Commit-on-B1


since cherry-pick supports a range of commits, see / ... it might be worth a try too



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