Using $ injector in AngularJS when testing integration (without using ngMock)

I need to set up some integration tests in AngularJS using Karma / Jasmine, but you're in trouble because when you don't use ngMock (since I want to hit the actual $ http endpoints), there are no module

or inject


So how do I add services to my tests?

I've tried angular.injector.invoke(...)

but can't get it to work, it always returns with an error, eg Unknown provider: AuthServiceProvider <- AuthService




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1 answer

try it

'use strict';

describe('Login User', function () {
    var app, LoginService;

    beforeEach(module('app')) ;

    beforeEach(inject(function(_LoginService_) {
        LoginService = _LoginService_;
    })) ;

   it('Should be logged in', function () {
       var isLoggedIn = LoginService.isUserLoggedIn();




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