AngularJS cross-domain requests using $ http service

I'm trying to learn AngularJS by building a simple web app using the Twitch API ( ), but I'm having trouble making a GET request since it is a cross-domain request. This is what I have tried

angular.module('streamPlaylisterAppServices', []).factory('twitchService', ['$http',
  function($http) {
    return function(usercode){
      console.log("usercode inside service is: " + usercode)
      var authHeader = 'OAuth' + usercode;

      return $http({
        method: 'GET',
        url: '',
        cache: false,
          'Accept': 'application/vnd.twitchtv.v3+json',
          'Authorization': 'OAuth ' + usercode


but I am getting this for the error:

XMLHttpRequest cannot load . The request was redirected to ', which is not allowed for cross-origin requests requiring preflight protection.

I know I need to use a JSONP request, but how do I configure the headers this way? Can anyone show me an example JSONP request and how to set headers for it like in the example above? If I can't set the headers in JSONP requests, how else can I set the request headers?


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1 answer

Make a request with

$http.jsonp('' + number + '&callback=JSON_CALLBACK')


This will return json for you and you will have no problem with XMLHttpRequest



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