Maintaining the hashCode contract for a specific condition is () depending on two integers

I have a base class with a structure:

class Employee {
int eId;
String eName;

Employee(int id, String name) {
    this.eId= id;
    this.eName= name;


The equality conditions are such that equals()

must return true if one of the following conditions is true:

  • eId

    - the same.
  • eName

    - the same.
  • The lengths are the eName


I had no problem with overriding equals()

, however, in order to preserve the contract of the hashcode, I have to override hashCode()

. So hashCode must depend on eId

and eName.length()

(if eName

equal, their lengths will also be equal). Thus, there are four cases:

Employee e1 = new Employee(4, "John");
Employee e2 = new Employee(3, "Jane");
Employee e3 = new Employee(4, "Jim");
Employee e4 = new Employee(7, "Random");



must return the same value e1

, e2

and e3

another meaning for e4

. I cannot think of any logic to satisfy this requirement.

Here's the exact problem:

Create a class (with parameter name, id, etc.). Show that if 2 objects of this class are to be compared, they must return true in any of the following cases:

and. The identifier for both values ​​is the same.

Q. The name of both is the same.

C. The length of the names is the same.

Make sure the HashCode contract must not be violated.


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3 answers

You are in trouble because your concept of equality is incompatible. In particular, it is not transitive, which requires a contract .equals()


It is transitive: for any non-null reference values x

, y

and z

if it x.equals(y)

returns true

and y.equals(z)

returns true

, then it x.equals(z)

must return true


In your definition, e1

equal e2

and e3

but e2

not equal e3

. This is incompatible with Java's notion of equality. This is why you have found it difficult to determine a reasonable implementation .hashCode()


However, what you can do is define a custom Comparator

(or Ordering

if you are using Guava). In most use cases (like sorting, searching, or filtering) you should use a separate instance Comparator

, just like the method .equals()

. You are effectively trying to define equivalent objects, not equal objects.

If you can't use a separate one Comparator

for whatever reason, your object Employee

will be fundamentally inconsistent and problematic even if you have to implement "workable" .hashCode()




I think you cannot write sequential hashCode

in your case, because yours equals

violates the contract of the Object.equals

method, namely transitivity:

It is transitive: for any non-null reference values x

, y

and z

if it x.equals(y)

returns true

and y.equals(z)

returns true

, then it x.equals(z)

should return true


Let's assume you have this code:

Employee a = new Employee(1, "John");
Employee b = new Employee(1, "James");
Employee c = new Employee(2, "James");


In this case, with your operation equals a.equals(b)

and b.equals(c)

but not a.equals(c)


I would suggest revisiting the implementation equals

. Yours probably Employee

has either eId

or eName

, so it would be better to add a field boolean

that says whether to use eId

or eName

. So you can easily implement equals

and hashCode

. Thus, the implementation can be like this (if for simplicity eName

it cannot be null


class Employee {
    boolean useName;
    int eId = 0;
    String eName;

    Employee(int id) {
        this.eId = id;
        this.useName = false;

    Employee(String name) {
        this.eName = name;
        this.useName = true;

    public int hashCode() {
        return useName ? eName.length() * 1337 : eId * 7331;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
            return false;
        Employee other = (Employee) obj;
        if (useName != other.useName)
            return false;
        if (useName) {
            if (eName.length() != other.eName.length())
                return false;
        } else {
            if (eId != other.eId)
                return false;
        return true;




If you are using Java 7 I think this is easy with java.util.Objects:

public int hashCode() {
    return Objects.hash(eld,eName.length());


Or you can consider Guava , it has the same method



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