Pechkin with Windows Azure

I am getting this error when I try to debug an Azure project from Visual Studio. I checked in my source file of the Target Site Project and Project and each dependency uses "Any CPU" too. Not really sure what to do next.

Could not load file or assembly "Pechkin" or one of its dependencies.

enter image description here


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2 answers

Are you using 32 bit resolution? Many documents say that this is a limitation. mark as an answer, please if this is a problem. There are solutions. apparently the guy made a fork called tuesPechkin with 64bit versions.



Unable to get wkhtmltopdf working on Azure. See this thread and this Gitgub question .

I am assuming you mean running wkhtmltopdf on Windows Azure Websites.

wkhtmltopdf uses the Window GDI API, which does not currently work on Azure Websites.

The solution could be to create a Windows service (or a web api endpoint for example) that starts the W. Then create a VM in Azure and install the Windows service / endpoint there.



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