Javascript script load order - undefined function

I am working in a not very nice template that made me load some scripts with JS as I have no control over the order there. I am trying to load a library, but when I try to call it I get an undefined error.

$.getScript( "js/velocity.min.js").done(function(){
    $('body').velocity({ width: 200})


Get error: Unacceptable TypeError: $ (...). speed is not a function

How can it be? I just downloaded you!

enter image description here

Well there was a conflict with another script that needs to be loaded, to fix this, I wrap the speed code in a closure and set "define" to null inside it.

    var define = null;
    //then velocity code is here



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1 answer

Make sure to load Zepto / jQuery before Velocity.js

<script type='text/javascript' src='js/zepto.min.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/velocity.min.js"></script>




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