How can I exclude a folder from Visual Studio 2013 Find?

I am using ASP MVC project. The / Content and / Script folder has a Kendo subfolder that contains huge files. As a consequence, when I use the search solution in search mode, it takes literally a minute (s) and even the VS UI is frozen and unresponsive (by the way, it's a shame in 2015, I use 8-core / 16Gigs and all files on the SSD anyway).

As a workaround, it would be great to exclude the 2 Kendo subdirectories from Find operations. How can i do this?

Note: using wildcard files and not searching in any .css and .js files is not an option because I have my own .js and .css files and searching in those files is a must.


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2 answers

To exclude subfolders, you can create your own set of folders. Click the ellipse (...) for the Search option in the Find and Replace dialog box.

Related answer: Visual Studio search only in selected folders or only in files



If the problem is the gui is lagging behind. Try to find files -> Result options -> Show only filenames = true. Hope this is good enough.



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