Closing tkmessagebox after a while in python

I am developing an automated attendance system, when a student views their RFID tag, their attendance is recorded showing a welcome message using the tkmessagebox popup. The user will have no control over the mouse or keyboard and I would like to leave a message for 2 seconds and delete the message box. Is there a way to close the tkmessagebox popup as suggested?


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1 answer

I don't think it can be done with tkMessageBox

, because it creates a modal dialog and you don't have access to the widget id (so that it can be destroyed programmatically).

But it's not hard to create your own top-level window, add a welcome message to it, and then close it after a certain period of time. Something like that:

from Tkinter import *

WELCOME_MSG = '''Welcome to this event.

Your attendance has been registered.

Don't forget your free lunch.'''

def welcome():
    top = Toplevel()
    Message(top, text=WELCOME_MSG, padx=20, pady=20).pack()
    top.after(WELCOME_DURATION, top.destroy)

root = Tk()
Button(root, text="Click to register", command=welcome).pack()



You need to connect your event handler to RFID detection. This is simulated by the button in the above code, and the event handler is a function welcome()

. The welcome()

created top-level widget with the message. The top-level widget is destroyed after 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds) using .after()

that registers a callback function that gets called after the delay.



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