C ++ Reading UTF8 buffer using wide stream

My problem is that I have a utf8 formatted buffer stored in std :: string. I want to present him as a source of responsibility to enhance the spirit. How can I do this without converting the entire std :: string to std :: wstring. I would like to have a stream that works as a readonly view from utf8 to whatever wchar_t is on the system.


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1 answer

You can use u8_to_u32_iterator

. wchar_t

not enough for all characters. You can pass an iterator int32

to invoke spirit functions, or you can simply write a wrapper that converts the int32

iterator to an wchar_t

iterator. Or use u32_to_u16_iterator

for this purpose. http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_53_0/libs/regex/doc/html/boost_regex/ref/internal_details/uni_iter.html



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