Why is the ampersand missing from the Firemonkey combo?

When you create a Delphi project and add combobox and install ComboBox1.Items.Add ('Zebra and Zulu') it shows "Zebra and Zulu" when you drop down the list. Perfect.

When you create a Firemonkey project and add a comboxbox or comboedit and install ComboBox1.Items.Add ("Zebra and Zulu") or ComboEdit1.Items.Add ("Zebra and Zulu") it shows "Zebra Zulu" (no ampersand shows), when you expand the list. However, when you select it with comboedit, the text box displays "Zebra and Zulu". It's just weird.

There is work now (sort of), but it's doubtful for me. Add a second ampersand and the dropdown shows the ampersand. However, the addition of a second ampersand appears in the comboedit portion of the field. Bad.

My question is, can you list the combo dropdowns to display the ampersand? And why is the ampersand missing in the first place?


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1 answer

It looks like this is a built-in behavior that is probably kept out of the way of VCL accelerator key handling. There seems to be no way to change this behavior with styles or parameters:

procedure TTextControl.DoChanged;
  TextStr: string;
  if Assigned(FITextSettings) then
    if Assigned(FITextSettings) then
    TextStr := DelAmp(Text);  // **!  Here deleting ampersands unconditionally

    if Assigned(FTextObject) then
      UpdateTextObject(FTextObject, TextStr);

   // ... etc - method continues


One way to solve this problem is to use the full-width unicode ampersand:

 ComboBox1.Items.Add('Zebra & Zulu');


Obviously, this does not apply to several reasons.

From the code above, this naturally affects all FMXs TTextControls

- even a TLabel

, for example, won't display the ampersand when assigned:

 Label1.Text := 'Zebra & Zulu';


Even in a VCL app, for fun this:

  Label1.Caption := 'Zebra & Zulu';


will display as

Zebra _Zulu

Although the VCL TComboBox

will correctly display an item with a single ampersand ...

This is an open QC, although in no rush:




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