Where is jenkins config.xml? And why does this error appear?

These two parts are combined because I think they are related to each other.

I am running the latest LTS war file from Jenkins (v1.596.2) directly from the command line. I am using an Openshift DIY cartridge for this.

I have set the "JENKINS_HOME" environment variable to "$ OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR / jenkins".



Part 1: where is my config.xml file ?

This works great and most of the files seem to be well saved there, but I can't find the config.xml file ... I'm probably missing something, but I can't find it anywhere!

Part 2: Boot Error

I also have this error when I boot my server using:

java -jar jenkins.war --httpListenAddress=$OPENSHIFT_DIY_IP --ajp13Port=-1


It shows this error message in the console: http://pastebin.com/30eBBHN5

The server is loading, but it just shows this screen: http://i.imgur.com/PKVydeP.png

I know that Openshift only allows you to bind to port 8080, otherwise you need to bind to a private port in the 15000 - 35530 range ( see this ). However, I could not find any documentation on what ports Jenkins is trying to bind or how to change the bindings other than the main http (8080) and https ports (not used).

( my jenkins cartridge url - may not work )

Any ideas as to what I should try?


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1 answer

The config.xml file ( https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Administering+Jenkins ) according to this page is stored in the JENKINS_HOME location, you need to create it there (along with any other config files you need needed). You have to install by setting JENKINS_HOME to a folder in OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR.

As for the problem with the port. You can check the current Jenkins cartridge that OpenShift provides ( https://github.com/openshift/origin-server/tree/master/cartridges/openshift-origin-cartridge-jenkins ) and check some config files they use, or run them commands and see if this information helps you work.

Also, don't use export JENKINS_HOME = $ OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR / jenkins use this "rhc set-env" instead, it's much safer than export ...



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