Windows how to get the process group of an already running process?

I have a WPF application that starts a new process with Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo info)


How do I get the group process ID for a process so that I can send a Ctrl + C signal with GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent


However, I cannot find the group process ID in the console window in the newly created process. It has a session id for the cur windows user and a process id.

edit: I finally got my program to work, but I still haven't found a true answer to my real question.

I managed to send ctrl c to a process using GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent to broadcast all processes to the console.

However, I have not been able to figure out how to get the process group of a process that is running. You can of course keep the process group if you create a new process (this must be the process ID that called createprocess with the create flag to create the new process group). However, I can't seem to find anything related to actually capturing that ID, unless you create a new group yourself and just want to know the group the process belongs to. Of course, this information is stored somewhere and can be retrieved!

I can get the parent ID on Windows NT versions with this function: Get Parent Process ID from Child Process

However, this does not guarantee the same process group. I am starting to conclude that windows do not have a process group id from the process id function.

Linux has a simple getpgrp function that I want to find. I don't understand why windows have a process group if I can't get its value


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2 answers

The documentation for GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent

states (focus):

Process group identifier to receive the signal. A process group is created when the CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP flag is specified in the call to the CreateProcess function. The process ID of the new process is also the process group ID of the new process group.

So, if your processes are in a group, the PID of the WPF application should be the group ID.



Instead of using GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent, this is how I found to send CTRL-C to the process. FYI, in this case I didn't need to find the group process ID.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class ConsoleAppManager
    private readonly string appName;
    private readonly Process process = new Process();
    private readonly object theLock = new object();
    private SynchronizationContext context;
    private string pendingWriteData;

    public ConsoleAppManager(string appName)
        this.appName = appName;

        this.process.StartInfo.FileName = this.appName;
        this.process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
        this.process.StartInfo.StandardErrorEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;

        this.process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
        this.process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
        this.process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
        this.process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;

        this.process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;

        this.process.StartInfo.StandardOutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;

        this.process.Exited += this.ProcessOnExited;

    public event EventHandler<string> ErrorTextReceived;
    public event EventHandler ProcessExited;
    public event EventHandler<string> StandartTextReceived;

    public int ExitCode
        get { return this.process.ExitCode; }

    public bool Running
        get; private set;

    public void ExecuteAsync(params string[] args)
        if (this.Running)
            throw new InvalidOperationException(
                "Process is still Running. Please wait for the process to complete.");

        string arguments = string.Join(" ", args);

        this.process.StartInfo.Arguments = arguments;

        this.context = SynchronizationContext.Current;

        this.Running = true;

        new Task(this.ReadOutputAsync).Start();
        new Task(this.WriteInputTask).Start();
        new Task(this.ReadOutputErrorAsync).Start();

    public void Write(string data)
        if (data == null)

        lock (this.theLock)
            this.pendingWriteData = data;

    public void WriteLine(string data)
        this.Write(data + Environment.NewLine);

    protected virtual void OnErrorTextReceived(string e)
        EventHandler<string> handler = this.ErrorTextReceived;

        if (handler != null)
            if (this.context != null)
                this.context.Post(delegate { handler(this, e); }, null);
                handler(this, e);

    protected virtual void OnProcessExited()
        EventHandler handler = this.ProcessExited;
        if (handler != null)
            handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);

    protected virtual void OnStandartTextReceived(string e)
        EventHandler<string> handler = this.StandartTextReceived;

        if (handler != null)
            if (this.context != null)
                this.context.Post(delegate { handler(this, e); }, null);
                handler(this, e);

    private void ProcessOnExited(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)

    private async void ReadOutputAsync()
        var standart = new StringBuilder();
        var buff = new char[1024];
        int length;

        while (this.process.HasExited == false)

            length = await this.process.StandardOutput.ReadAsync(buff, 0, buff.Length);
            standart.Append(buff.SubArray(0, length));

        this.Running = false;

    private async void ReadOutputErrorAsync()
        var sb = new StringBuilder();

            var buff = new char[1024];
            int length = await this.process.StandardError.ReadAsync(buff, 0, buff.Length);
            sb.Append(buff.SubArray(0, length));
        while (this.process.HasExited == false);

    private async void WriteInputTask()
        while (this.process.HasExited == false)

            if (this.pendingWriteData != null)
                await this.process.StandardInput.WriteLineAsync(this.pendingWriteData);
                await this.process.StandardInput.FlushAsync();

                lock (this.theLock)
                    this.pendingWriteData = null;


Then, actually starting the process and sending CTRL-C in my main application:

            DateTime maxStartDateTime = //... some date time;
            DateTime maxEndDateTime = //... some later date time
            var duration = maxEndDateTime.Subtract(maxStartDateTime);
            ConsoleAppManager appManager = new ConsoleAppManager("myapp.exe");
            string[] args = new string[] { "args here" };
            await Task.Delay(Convert.ToInt32(duration.TotalSeconds * 1000) + 20000);

            if (appManager.Running)
                // If stilll running, send CTRL-C


See Console Application Standard Input Redirection for details



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