Question in AppJS -harmony?
I am using msvc and it installs the nodejs tools. Obviously new to node.js, but all the other npm packages I just installed via command line or via toolsjs and they worked. AppJS, however, is giving me an error when I call require ('appjs').
throw new Error ("AppJS requires Node to start with the --harmony line)
Does anyone know how to fix this? I am getting this error even when calling my script from the command line doing
node --harmony app.js
Actual code
var serialPortLib = require("serialport");
var appjs = require('appjs');
var serialPort = new serialPortLib.SerialPort("COM13",{
baudrate : 250000,
parser : serialPortLib.parsers.readline('\n')
serialPort.on('open', function () { console.log('open'); serialPort.write("Sup!\n");});
serialPort.on('data',function(data){ console.log(data);})
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