El in sight of undefined when testing framework

I would like to validate my view based on the base view. but i have a problem, i am trying to get an element of my view using this.$el

, the result is empty. when i check this.el

, the result isundefined

when i try to search with $('#container')

it exists and when i run it it works as well. Tag exists, here is my view code


  ],function($, _, Backbone, settingTemplate, Config){
    var settingView = Backbone.View.extend({
      el: $("#container"),
      initialize: function(){
        _.bindAll(this, "render");
      render: function(){
        data = {}
        var compiledTemplate = _.template(settingTemplate, data);
    return settingView;


and here is my test code:

    define(['js/view/settingView','text!templates/setting.html'], function(SettingView, texts){
  describe("Setting View", function() {
    it('render successfully', function() {
        var x = new SettingView();


Do you understand why this is happening? I even try to add $(document).ready(function(){})

. thank


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1 answer

Keep in mind that $('#container')

this is a function call, so your code is equivalent to this:

var $el = $('#container');
var settingView = Backbone.View.extend({
  el: $el,


This means your code will look for #container

when yours is executed Backbone.View.extend

. There appears to be no element #container

when this happens, so you get the value undefined

for el

when Backbone tries to execute the un-jQuery-ify el

you provided.

The simplest solution is to leave the jQuery Backbone stuff and just use a selector for el


el: '#container'


Then Backbone will access the DOM when it needs to be built $el

, which is when you should have #container




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