Prolog code gives two different results

So, I am doing this code where there is a function that takes 2 arguments and reports that one of them is not a list.

The code is as follows:

/*** List Check ***/
islist(L) :- L == [], !.
islist(L) :- nonvar(L), aux_list(L).

/*** Double List Check ***/
double_check(L, L1) :- \+islist(L) -> write("List 1 invalid"); 
    \+islist(L1)-> write("List 2`invalid"); write("Success").


This will work. The online code does exactly what I want. But on the Prolog console of my computer, it gives a completely different answer:

?- double_check(a, [a]).


Example. I have no IDEA where this list comes from. Can someone tell me my mistake and help me fix this please? Thanks everyone!


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1 answer

Quick fix: use format/2

instead write/1

! For more information on inline predicate format/2

, click here .

$ swipl --traditional
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, 64 bits, Version 7.1.37) [...]

?- write("abc").
[97,98,99]                                % output by write/1 via side-effect
true.                                     % truth value of query (success)

?- format('~s',["abc"]).
abc                                       % output by format/2 via side-effect
true.                                     % truth value (success)


However with different command line arguments:

$ swipl 
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, 64 bits, Version 7.1.37) [...]

?- write("abc").

?- format('~s',["abc"]).


While this may sound frustrating, I recommend using the command line option --traditional

for SWI-Prolog in combination with format/2

instead write/1

. Save!



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