Angular controller inheritance / overriding "superclass" methods

When I extend a controller in angular, is there a way to call the function on the "superclass" controller from the "subclass" function that overrides it?

For clarity - in Java I would do:

class Foo {
    void doStuff(){
        //do stuff 

class FooBar extends Foo {
     void doStuff(){
         //do more stuff


and I would like to do the equivalent in angular - something

myApp.controller('FooCtrl', function($scope){

    $scope.doStuff = function(){
         //do stuff
}).controller('FooBarCtrl', function($scope){
   angular.extend(this, $controller('FooCtrl', {$scope: $scope}));

   $scope.doStuff = function(){
          // ??? <- INSERT ANSWER HERE  
         //do more stuff



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2 answers

I wouldn't recommend this pattern, but as an answer to the question, here's how to do it:

myApp.controller('FooCtrl', function($scope){

    $scope.doStuff = function(){
         //do stuff
}).controller('FooBarCtrl', function($scope){
   angular.extend(this, $controller('FooCtrl', {$scope: $scope}));
   //extend the scope
   var super = angular.extend({}, $scope);
   $scope.doStuff = function(){
          // ??? <- INSERT ANSWER HERE  
         //do more stuff
         //call the "superclass" methods


Spitballing, I suppose you could write a helper service that would allow properties to be overridden with superclass references to make it cleaner. Perhaps by overriding "this". Something like:

$scope.doStuff = $override($scope.doStuff, function() {

    this();  //calls the original doStuff function

.factory('$override', function(){

    return function(method, func){
        return function(){
            return func.apply(method, arguments);




You can use $ parent






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