Meteor angular collection search method not working

I am trying to optimize my angular / meteor code. I have a collection

Customers = new Mongo.Collection("Customers");

and the way I was showing them was:

ng-repeat="customer in customerController.customers | filter: {customerStore: myStore} ">

and in my CustomerController

this.customers = $meteor.collection(customers);

This approach (while it works) is now starting to take up a lot of memory on the client server as they add more and more storage.

So I tried to filter out the server side before sending the information to the client.


the collection code is the same

Customers = new Mongo.Collection("Customers");

Ng-repeat code is different

ng-repeat="customer in customerController.getCustomers(myStore) ">

and my controller now has this method:

    this.getCustomers = function(findByStore){
        return Customers.find({customerStore.$ : findByStore});


The problem is that it returns a new collection every time, so angular treats it as a different object and tries to re-render the page. $ rootScope / infdig? p0 = 10 and p1 =% 5B% 5B% 7B% 22msg% 22:% 22fn:% 20regularInterceptedExpression% 22% 22newVal% 22: 21,% 22oldVal% 22: 19% 7D% 5D,% 5B% 7B% 22msg% 22 :% 22fn:% 20regularInterceptedExpression% 22% 22newVal% 22: 23,% 22oldVal% 22: 21% 7D% 5D,% 5B% 7B% 22msg% 22:% 22fn:% 20regularInterceptedExpression% 22% 22newVal% 22: 25,% 22oldVal% 22: 23% 7D% 5D,% 5B% 7B% 22msg% 22:% 22fn:% 20regularInterceptedExpression% 22% 22newVal% 22: 27,% 22oldVal% 22: 25% 7D% 5D,% 5B% 7B% 22msg % 22:% 22fn:% 20regularInterceptedExpression% 22% 22newVal% 22: 29,% 22oldVal% 22: 27% 7D% 5D% 5D

One common mistake is binding to a function which generates a new array every time it is called.

Someone suggested that I try

return $meteor.collection(Customers.find({'customerStore.$' : findByStore}));


but then i get the error

TypeError: The first argument of $meteorCollection must be a function or a have a find function property.



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