How to set dynamic string as ID of Edittext field in android

I have multiple lines that go dynamically, I want to set these lines as the ID of the EditText fields in my form. How can I do this, can you help me?

For example: if I have the id "title", I want to set this title as the ID of the EditText field, so that when I want to access the value of this field, I can access it like findviewById (title).

Please help me here ...

Thank you so much in advance.


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2 answers

No . You cannot install id

with char

, String

or anything else except int

... because, it is id

supported by a file

that only contains int


You can use setTag()

instead setId()


Use setTag()

as shown below.



You can check it later with getTag () edText.getTag ().

You can use findViewWithTag to find a view with a specific tag.



You can get the ID by reflection. For example, if you have a view in xml that has this id: @+id/select_time

Then you can get the int value in the class R

like this:

String idStr = "select_time";
    //com.example.appandroidtest is your app package name
    Class<?> clz =;
    try {
        int viewId = (int) clz.getField(idStr).get(null);
    } catch (Exception e) {




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